

  • 9
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 广东省 深圳市 罗湖区 桂园街道 深圳市罗湖区深南东路5002号地王大厦22层2216室
  • 姓名: 腕表顾问
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定



  • 所属行业:服饰 手表 男士手表
  • 发布日期:2017-09-14
  • 阅读量:145
  • 价格:1.00 元/1 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:1.00 1
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:广东深圳罗湖区桂园街道  
  • 关键词:深圳豪爵手表维修



      【瑞沃斯授权维修热线■400-880-7473■全国授权,欧米茄维修****,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、太原、成都、 天津、 南昌 、武汉等等,接受邮寄维修服务】


      【瑞沃斯授权维修热线■400-880-7473■全国授权,欧米茄维修****,服务地区:北京 、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、太原、成都、 天津、 南昌 、武汉等等,接受邮寄维修服务】我们所有的维修车间均装备了世界**的手表维修设备、工具及仪器仪表。我们的钟表师或直接在瑞士接受培训,或在国内经过瑞士标准的培训、考核与相关认证,技艺**。我们的技术服务体系和团队,不断接受着来自瑞士总部各个**的产品信息更新、质量**评估和维修流程验证,从而始终**与瑞士标准一致的服务质量。





      卡地亚(Cartier SA)是一间法国钟表及珠宝制造商,于1847年由Louis-Fran?ois Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil 31号创办。1874年,其子亚法·卡地亚继承其管理权,由其孙子路易·卡地亚、皮尔·卡地亚与积斯·卡地亚将其发展成世界着名**。



      卡地亚的传奇故事开始于1847年。29岁的Louis-Francois Cartier (1819 – 1904)从师傅Adolphe Picard接手了位于巴黎29,RueMontorgueil的珠宝店。1846年,Louis-Francois以自己名字的缩写字母L和C环绕成心形组成的一个菱形标志,注册了卡地亚公司,这意味着卡地亚的正式诞生,这颗心形的标志象征着一个传奇爱情故事和奢华王国的开始。


      The legend of Cartire began in 1847. 29 year old Cartier Louis-Francois (1819 - 1904) from the master Picard Adolphe took over in Paris, 29, RueMontorgueil jewelry store. In 1846, Louis-Francois formed a heart-shaped diamond logo composed in his name and acronym L C, registered company Cartire, which means that the official birth of the Cartire logo, a heart-shaped symbol of a legendary love story and the beginning of the kingdom of luxury.

      At the time of Paris, after a scramble for the throne after the unrest, and the restoration of the Huadu old flashy weather, which greatly promoted the prosperity of the jewelry industry in Paris. Cartire lucky to get the young cousin of Napoleon III, the recommendation of the princess Mathilde, the business continues to grow. In 1902, Cartire's shop has been open from Paris to London and New York, New York gradually become the headquarters of the kingdom of Cartire. According to legend, only two generations of father and son, Cartire has become the world's king of jewelry".


      1847年,Louis-Francois Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil 29号接手了其师Adolphe Picard的珠宝工场。Maison Cartier由此诞生。

      1899年,Maison Cartier迁至Maison2012年的地址:13 rue de la Paix。而Maison的未来则由Cartier三兄弟掌控:Louis, Pierre 与Jacques。

      他们周游世界,从印度到俄罗斯,从波斯湾到美国。分公司分别于1902年和1909年设立于伦敦与纽约。Maison Cartier的基石由此奠定。


      如今,Cartier设计,无论是高端珠宝或当代珠宝产品线,例如Caresser d'Orchidées par Cartier collection,均在*特技术诀窍、风格及**技术的基础上诠释了Maison的价值观。

      n 1847, Cartier was founded in Paris, France.

      In 1847, Cartier Rue in Paris Montorgueil Louis-Francois 29 took over his division Picard Adolphe jewelry factory. Cartier Maison thus was born.

      In 1899, Cartier Maison2012 moved to Maison address: 13 de la Paix rue. And Maison's future is controlled by the Cartier three brothers: Louis, Pierre and Jacques.

      They travel around the world, from India to Russia, from the Persian Gulf to the United States. Branch was established in 1902 and 1909 in London and New York. The cornerstone of Cartier Maison thus lay.

      Cartier soon in the European Court of renown. Prince Welsh (1902 Edward VII), Cartier praised as the "king of jewelers and jeweler of kings", and in 1904 the British court awarded Cartier as a supplier and other British court warrant. Cartier's design is characterized by the exotic atmosphere of the three brothers world tour.

      Today, Cartier design, whether it is high-end jewelry or contemporary jewelry product lines, such as Caresser d'Orchid es par Cartier collection, are based on the unique style of professional and technical know-how, and the interpretation of the Maison values.





      巴黎和平街13号,卡地亚自1898年以来**变更的总店地址,这里保存着卡地亚从20世纪初直至今天的完整档案,没有丝毫损坏。除了商业档案外,档案馆所保存的其他登记资料可以追溯到19世纪,甚至包括部分boulevard des Italiens大街经手的业务,从中可以窥见*二帝国时期往昔的荣光,这个时期在卡地亚历史上有着重要意义。


      登记资料总是伴随着一系列的丰富图片:自1906起,为合乎行业规范,卡地亚将每一件作坊完工的成品拍成实际大小的图片,归档保存。仅在巴黎,留存归档的底片多达40 000张,其中有30 000张明胶溴化银乳剂干版。这些精心维护的图片以视觉方式准确地记录了**制作史。







      Cartire archives

      Cartire archives are located in Paris, London and New York, Cartire hall, one of the most important part in Paris, the collection and collation of Cartire's history of a variety of registers, pictures, molding and drawing information. These detailed information accurately reproduced the daily operation and management of the Cartire since its inception. In fact, every piece of Cartire's work, from design to sales of the entire process, including production, have been registered and cataloging retained. Is a rare witness, but also useful information, especially for the restoration of antique jewelry plays an important role, in addition, these files are now for the creation of Cartire to give full inspiration.

      Registration information

      Paris Heping Street No. 13, Cartire since 1898 has never changed the store address, where to save Cartire from early twentieth Century until today the complete file, without the slightest damage. In addition to other business files, save the registration information by the archives can be traced back to nineteenth Century, including some Boulevard des Italiens Street handled the business, from which we can see the past second imperial glory, this period is of great significance in the history of Cartire.

      Picture information

      The registration information is always accompanied by a series of rich pictures: since 1906, to meet the industry standard, Cartire will each workshop the finished products into the actual size of the image file. Only in Paris, the film archive retained up to 40000, of which 30000 pieces of gelatin emulsion dry plate. These carefully maintained images accurately recorded the history of brand production.


      In addition, as Cartire excellent creative activities of the witness, Paris Cartire jewelry workshop has also retained a series of gypsum molding, the oldest dating back to around 1900-1920. From retained molding, but also clearly visible in the past made the crown arc, the size of the necklace, the height of the gem is difficult to see the image of the elements. Today, these tangible information is to become a whole remembrance of the disappearance of jewelry treasures.


      A large number of sketches, preview and production chart constitute an important information on the production process. First, the design concept through a few pen sketch to express, and collected together. At the same time, such as a sketch of the building or decoration atlas and other foreign reference materials, are concentrated in one or two pieces of canvas painting.

      After the jewelry works according to the traditional sketch and gouache watercolor painting techniques used in transparent paper, and use the structure of graphite pencil prominent works. This method can be refined, correct and find the best balance point of brightness and density of the work.

        Finally, the production plans were sent to the workshop, more positive view for the size of the original(scenographrare), according to the strict rules of gem design, detailed description of color, texture and cutting.
    欢迎来到深圳市瑞沃斯钟表服务有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省深圳市罗湖区深圳市罗湖区深南东路5002号地王大厦22层2216室,联系人是腕表顾问。 主要经营服务地区:北京、上海、广州、杭州、深圳、沈阳、南京、太原、成都、 天津、 南昌 、武汉、厦门、福州等等。 服务范围:亨利慕时、理查德·米勒、百达翡丽、江诗丹顿、宝玑、宝珀、柏高、伯爵、积家、爱彼、雅克德罗、帕玛强尼、法兰克穆勒、罗杰杜彼、朗格、欧米茄、格拉苏蒂·莫勒、库尔沃、万国、卡地亚、艾美达、劳力士、帝舵、沛纳海、泰格豪雅、名士。。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我们公司**从事手表维修,名表*,深圳名表维修,深圳手表*,深圳瑞沃斯名表服务中心等!公司竭诚为广大客户服务!好的服务,好的技术,*快捷!